New site for new adventures


Welcome to my new blog and website.

This blog is kicking off just before I head off on a 3 month trip to the UK/USA to look at marketing and distribution models in social change documentary film making as part of a Winston Churchill Memorial Trust travelling fellowship.

I’m going to visit some super inspiring organisations, do some training, pick lots of people’s brains and hopefully pop my head open and get lots of new ideas.

I’m going to do my best to capture some of these ideas and adventures here as I go.

I have a long history with and interest in social change media with zines, indymedia, DIY publications, grass roots event organising, self publishing, community television and film making. I think story has unparalleled power to influence culture and society and therefore the role of media makers and artists is incredibly important.

I don’t think media makers and artists think enough about how to leverage greater change, influence and ripples with their work. Or they think about it but are not sure how to make greater waves. This is where I most want to sharpen my skills and broaden my networks; how to make and distribute media and art for social impact and social change.

Thanks to Colette at Goodling for all her help getting my site ready to go, Tom Civil for this great header image and to the ever remarkable Big hART for the flexibility to take off on this trip.


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